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A novel twist to your daily news & updates - Presenting

Timesnext is proud to launch a new initiative & subsidiary -, a one-stop destination for tech news in India.

Photo by Naveed Ahmed / Unsplash

Hello readers,

We hope you are doing well.

We have launched a new initiative focusing on a national market that ranks second in the world population index, aiming to educate the world and the local communities about the happenings in the tech market.

With the help of our founder, Sahil Kohli, and his visionary approach, we are introducing, our new initiative and subsidiary.

The mission is to inform local Indian communities and a global audience about what is happening in India and its diverse tech market, as well as to inform Indians about what is happening in the global tech market in the most practical and Indian ways, that is, culturally diverse.

We sincerely hope you will support us with the same zeal and dedication you did for

Thank you,
