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Is India prepared for Work From Home post COVID19 Pandemic?

According to the latest People Matters COVID-19: Influence & Measurement Report, 73% of participating organizations do not ha
According to the latest People Matters COVID-19: Influence & Measurement Report, 73% of participating organizations do not have a post-lock plan.

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a tragic loss of a large number of human lives. When nations adopt the requisite quarantine and social distancing measures to stop the epidemic, the planet has been trapped in the Great Lockdown.

Challenges post COVID-19 lockdown.

It is incredibly difficult to restore businesses to operating health following a significant closure. Although the distinct scale and timing of the effects of coronaviruses mean that world supply chains face disruptions across multiple geographies. Production declined, but the market in all markets plummeted – for the first time, we saw negative oil prices.

Some tips for Work from Home

These tips should enable you to make sure your work from home internships are productive, and that your mental well-being is maintained:

1. Get dressed

You don’t have to dress as professionally as you would for work, but the quick change of clothes acts as a reminder that getting up and getting things done is time. Getting dressed also applies to other tasks based on appearance: take a shower, brush your hair, and even put on makeup if that’s what you usually do.

2. Decide upon a workspace

One of the main challenges in online jobs is to keep your work and your home separate. You should stay in the chair for eight hours a day and decorate any of the rooms in a relaxing way. Wherever possible, find an area with good natural lighting. Even if you don’t spend a lot of time outdoors, you can start to weigh up quickly if you lose time outdoors.

3. Be defined about your working hours

It would be best if you are clear about when you work and when you do not separate your physical workspace. If you adhere to your working hours, you are well finished and should be happy to return to the office. Moreover, if your role is collaborative, it makes everything much easier on the same schedule as your colleagues.

4. Do not check the news again and again

The news is one of the significant disturbances. If you are working remotely due to the new coronavirus, it will be in your mind to check on COVID-19 updates. Of course, it is good to remain informed, but it is also easy to scroll into a distressing mess.

5. Don’t forget to socialize

When the whole workplace is operating from home, you cut off all of the informal social connections that you are accustomed to having all day long, which makes you feel less alone and disintegrate the monotony of life. Combat this through conversation, calls, text, and zoom.


You may not be willing to meet friends after work for dinner but may schedule a group of people to talk about interview questions like why should you be hired for this internship, what are your life goals etc.
